Pets On the Point at Glebe

Pets On the Point at Glebe

We LOVE our pets in the Inner West! They are a very big part of our community – in our beautiful parks beside the harbour (having a swim there too), in the cafes and walking around our beautiful tree lined streets….

But until Pets on the Point opened in March 2008 there wasn’t a pet shop around these parts to service the needs of the discerning pet owner!

We are very happy to say that since opening we have been very warmly received by the community and have lots of visits from our many customers who love to see the latest offering in our healthy treat range. We always ask their human first if they can have a treat and check about possible allergies etc and ask them to “sit”! Our human friends say they are sometimes pulled halfway up the street by their dog to get to “their”shop….!

We have all the things you would expect in a pet shop

Premium, Organic and local and imported Dry and Fresh food
Flea, Tick, Worm and Heart Treatments
Beautiful and practical bedding
Quality Accessories
Friendly, Helpful Service

Expert Dog Grooming
BUT – we do not sell pets. If you wish to welcome a puppy or kitten into your home, we can put you in touch with a number of breeders, or organisations for rescue and rehousing which could help you find your perfect friend.

Pet services